
USAGE: subsampleNI in.img out.img
                [-p PCT <50.0%>] OR ([-h HEIGHT] AND/OR [-w WIDTH])
                [-tg GRAY CONTRAST <100%>]
                [-f FLTRSIZE]
                [-qf QUICK FILTER (rectangular filter)]
                [-gf GAUSSIAN FILTER (instead of default matched filter]
                [-v VARIANCE MULTIPLE (for Gaussian) < 2>]

SUBSAMPLENI filters and subsamples to chosen size.

    inimg: input image filename (TIF)
   outimg: output image filename (TIF)

         -p PCT  percentage size of image sidelengths to retain.
        -h HEIGHT -w WIDTH size of image sidelengths to retain.
                PCT can be used alone OR (HEIGHT AND/OR WIDTH). When both
                HEIGHT and WIDTH are used, the smaller reduction is made.
        -tg GRAY CONTRAST PCT smaller number gives darker image.
                Setting -tg to 100%, turns off constrasting.
        -f FILTER SIZE is square mask size low-pass filter (>= 3).
        -qf QUICK FILTER - quicker rectangular filter instead of
                default matched filter.
                If filter size is set to 1, this is the quickest and
                ugliest result.
                Note that this filter is used automatically instead
                of default for filter sizes larger than 5x5.
        -gf GAUSSIAN FILTER - symmetric Gaussian filter instead of
                default matched filter.
        -v VARIANCE MULTIPLE is no. of variances of Gaussian filter
                at maximum radius in filter window (0 gives uniform wting).
        -L: print Software License for this module


subsampleNI 52021.tif 52021NI.tif -qf



Copyright (C) 1999 MLMSoftware Group, LLC.